The Galambila Face­book page is designed to inform and engage with com­mu­ni­ty about our service and provide community health promotion and prevention activities in a deadly culturally responsive positive manner.

Our Facebook page aligns with our Galambila core values: Respect, Compassion, Empowerment, Inclusivity and Accountability and our overall goals and objectives.

These guidelines complement Galambila’s Social Media Policy

View­ers and fol­low­ers must agree to our platform guidelines

  1. Our platform must be a respectful, relevant and safe space for all!

The fol­low­ing types of interactions and com­ments are not accept­able and will be deleted.

  • Com­ments that are like­ly to discriminate, offend, insult, humil­i­ate or intim­i­date on any basis whatsoever.
  • Any Bul­ly­ing and discrimination or com­ments that could neg­a­tively affect a person’s men­tal health.
  • Shar­ing any pri­vate and con­fi­den­tial information.
  • Information or Links that are false, illegal or misleading or that breach others community standards.
  • Endorsements of services
  • No sell­ing, spam­ming, or advertising.
  • Posts not rel­e­vant to this page.


Galambila also reserves the right to block any user from our social media pages.

  1. Privacy and Confidentiality

Individual privacy and confidentiality is our highest priority. We will always need your explicit consent to post and share any images or stories on our social media.


  1. We love community engagement and participation!

Your Voice is very important to us. We will always do our best to moderate public comments only where needed. Public comments are the views of the per­son post­ing, and should not be tak­en as necessarily accurate or endorse­ment or agree­ment by Galambila.

  1. No Individual Health Advice will be given over Facebook

Infor­ma­tion that is dis­trib­uted on the Galambila Face­book page is general infor­ma­tion only and we strong­ly encour­age view­ers to seek individual health advice direct from qual­i­fied health pro­fes­sion­als. We have a deadly team available Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm to support you directly in your health needs! Please do not try and book appointments via Facebook.


If you have any feedback or concerns, please contact us on 02 6652 0800.

Our values guide our team and the services we deliver




